In Times of Disaster

When people pass over they are often assisted by friends, loved ones or heavenly helpers on the other side. The same occurs when disasters happen, such as the September 11 attacks, where many people at one time pass over except that you will also find spiritual workers who are incarnate or recently incarnate assisting souls onward. Passing over in a disaster is more of a shock and many souls are confused as to where they are and what is going on or where to go. Those spiritual workers are closer to the physical plane vibrations making it easier for them to be there on the astral to guide the souls onward to where others are waiting to assist, making the process go much smoother. I was shown a similar event where hundreds of confused or dismayed souls could be seen scattered all about a grey misty area on the astral level. Spiritual workers came to their aid to guide them onward.

Some months before Hurricane Katrina in 2005, I was taken (OBE) to a large room that looked like a control center with a map of the United States on the far wall. A man was sitting on a stool in the middle of the room while several others were busy doing work like they were getting set up. The man told me, as I looked to the map and saw what he meant, that centers are being set up above certain cities on a higher level for assisting in the coming events. They were a focal or gathering point for that area and surrounding areas. These locations were above cities only in the southern/eastern part of the USA and had to do with coming events, mainly flooding. It’s 2019 now and some of these events have already occurred but more are still to come.
